Why Partner with BruntWork?

Simple, Hourly Rate Pricing
Use our pricing tool to see approximate hourly rates for different role types. We’ll provide exact quotes for each unique agent we send to you to evaluate, and the nuances of your job description may result in a different rate from the guide listed.
Pricing guides below are in USD, but we’ll quote and price based on all other major currencies including AUD, CAD, EUR, GBP, NZD, SGD and more.
The BruntWork Advantage
We help businesses improve productivity and reduce operating costs by tapping into the best pool of offshore talent in low labour cost locations with BruntWork’s global presence across the Philippines and Latin America.
BruntWork services thousands of clients globally from public companies to small and medium-size businesses.
How We Work

Flexible & Cost-Efficient Onboarding
Our month-to-month contract offers you the flexibility to adjust your staffing needs. Zero setup fees and no hidden charges.

Hassle-Free Staff Changes
During the first 90 days, you can make staff adjustments at any time without cost, with a 14-day notice period thereafter.

All-Inclusive Hourly Package
Our rate includes all agent/management fees, IT support, HR, recruiting, payroll and also proudly offers healthcare benefits to our full-time agents.

Round-the-Clock Operations
We're here 24/7, ensuring uninterrupted business operations for you.

Swift Implementation
Experience a rapid setup, with our aim to get you operational within just 5-10 business days.
Trusted by Thousands of Businesses Globally
HIPAA Certified
BruntWork has been independently certified by BQSR Quality Assurance as conforming to requirements under HIPAA (Health Insurance and Portability and Accountability Act) under the defined scope “Providing Outsourced Recruitment and Staffing Services Across Industries.”
ISO Certified
BruntWork has been assessed and approved by QAS International to ISO 27001:2013 management systems, standards and guidelines.
(Certificate No. AIT1018).
Secure Remote Worker Solution
If required and on request, your BruntWork agent can be set up within our secure profile environment, creating a separate and locked down user profile from their personal computer profile, preventing use of unathorised applications.
Handpicked Talent, Selected by You

The candidates we endorse represent the top 2% of all applicants from our database of over 150,000 in the Philippines and Colombia. To be considered, agents must pass our background, aptitude tests and interview rounds. We look at both skills and cultural fit when recommending candidates to you.
BruntWork is 100% remote from home, saving our agents time and money by avoiding lengthy commutes into an office. We pass those office cost savings onto you.
Our recruitment team pre-qualify and vet that all agents have a computer (to our specifications) and fast internet access.
Unlike other BPOs, we ensure bring you into our recruitment process to ensure we match the best candidate to your specific needs.
Case Studies and Testimonials

BruntWork was tasked with creating a cost effective solution for Flight Centre to migrate thousands of pages of online articles into a new content platform. Our team completed the project 12% faster than the highest KPI tier, all within agreed QA standards and benchmarks.

In March 2020 the COVID-19 pandemic created an unprecedented spike in Online Sales for major Australian grocery chain, Harris Farm Markets. The existing system was overwhelmed as a result. With our help call first response times improved, waiting times reduced and issue resolution times returned to normal.

BruntWork assisted Huobi with recruiting, scaling up and onboarding a large Chinese speaking customer customer care team within 4 weeks to meet rapidly rising support needs for one of the world’s largest crypto currency exchanges.

Anthony Spon-Smith, CEO
“As a multi-jurisdictional retailer, outstanding service to our clients is at the heart of everything we do.
We approached BruntWork primarily for customer support and they have been outstanding in finding the best recruits to operate around the clock, at the lowest cost possible with speed unparalleled in the industry.”

Manal Iqbal, CEO
“BruntWork has been instrumental in helping us build a strong, remote, global workforce to achieve success. We have thrown several tasks at them, and they have delivered constantly. We highly recommend their services.”

Shanya Suppasiritad, CEO
“BruntWork’s team have allowed us to scale our digital campaigns far more quickly and cost-effectively than local agencies.
They have been the perfect solution for us as an early-stage startup – they were quick to move and implement to test new campaigns, allowing us to lean quick and pivoted if we need to.”
Scale up case study

“In 2020, TAG took its first step into finding overseas team members to help keep costs under control.
Now, one-third of our team are located in Philippines!
We were blown away by the result and continue to be impressed with each additional team member we add. BruntWork have always done an amazing job at sourcing the perfect candidates for us.
Our entire overseas team is so passionate and engaged with our business; they are all truly part of our team.
BruntWork takes care of all of the sourcing and overseas compliance while we continue to pay in Australian dollars. It’s all so simple and it has revolutionised our business. I mention BruntWork to everyone I speak to who is interested in expanding their team.”
- Brett Crowther, General Manager