A/B Testing Calculator For Statistical Significant
Are you wondering if a design or copy change impacted your sales? Enter your visitor and conversion numbers below to find out. The significance calculator willtell you if a variation increased your sales, and by how much.
How many visitors
How many sales or leads
Conversion rate
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Unfortunately, your results are not statistically significant.

A Refresher on Statistical Significance
Statistical significance helps quantify whether a result is likely due to chance or to some factor of interest. When a finding is significant, it simply means you can feel confident that’s it real, not that you just got lucky (or unlucky) in choosing the sample.
When you run an experiment, conduct a survey, take a poll, or analyze a set of data, you’re taking a sample of some population of interest, not looking at every single data point that you possibly can. Consider the example of a marketing campaign. You’ve come up with a new concept and you want to see if it works better than your current one. You can’t show it to every single target customer, of course, so you choose a sample group.
How Big Should My Sample Size Be
2 main contributors to sampling error: the size of the sample and the variation in the underlying population. Sample size may be intuitive enough. Think about flipping a coin five times versus flipping it 500 times. The more times you flip, the less likely you’ll end up with a great majority of heads. The same is true of statistical significance: with bigger sample sizes, you’re less likely to get results that reflect randomness. All else being equal, you’ll feel more comfortable in the accuracy of the campaigns’ $1.76 difference if you showed the new one to 1,000 people rather than just 25. Of course, showing the campaign to more people costs more, so you have to balance the need for a larger sample size with your budget.

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The BruntWork A/B Testing Calculator
If you’re wondering the best way to determine whether a change to a homepage or landing page is better or worse, start with our A/B Statistical Significance Calculator.Â